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March 22 is a powerful day, and this also comes to me on this day of 9. It is confirmation of completing one cycle of duality and welcoming the trinity.

Earth Hive

Earth LightSpecial Note: There will be a Global Heart Activation Event, March 22nd, to activate your unified heart intelligence, timed with the planetary and cosmic events described below.  Register for the event.

Listen to this Earth Hive Update.

There is a great awakening upon Mother Earth.  The planet is speeding into the future timeline of the Angelic Earth creation.  It is a palpable noticing that the higher reality of the Angelic Earth is coming into view. Some pioneers have landed like astronauts onto her soils, sending reports back to the curious about just what it is that the Angelic Earth is all about.  In this Earth Hive update, I’m streaming from the Cosmic Heart center to relay the process that is underway for the transition into the new Angelic Earth experience.

The New Gateways and Pathways to the Future

Since February we’ve been stumbling with Earth as she makes her…

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yes…i can feel it!

WE are creators in creation
We are healers in healing
WE are teachers in sharing
WE are students in knowing ever expanding our capacities
All ways experiencing NOW moment of profound TRUTH

WE are in the image of creator
creating our image from our ORIGIN and perceptions
WE are balancing our ORIGIN in experiences of resonance and contrast
WE are propelled on our paths by aligning with our hearts desire
seeded by the crative force of cocreation
manifesting healing by reciprocal exchange
recognizing our amnesia of origin
transmuting limits into possibilities into boundless expressions of wild abandon for the connection of ONE
disbanding the illusory state which bound us in past
moving swiftly toward the dream seeded in the heart
to the visceral truth of living Absent Limits.
I am You
You are me
WE are ONE People


gaia_energy1Energetic upgrades for selected Hue-manity groups are in process at this moment.

This is in addition to general consciousness upgrades occurring in all of Gala’s inhabitants.

Fracturing and dissolution of outdated low frequency paradigms has allowed this step.

“Selected Hue-manity groups” includes many continuing to set directions from energetic levels not yet suited for Gaia whole, and primarily addresses vibrational dis-harmonies.

Interests of all Gaia inhabitants are honored at this time.

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New banking system will open doors to the value of your eternal essence

Streets of Love - unconventional

I-OPEEN shut down at the end of may 2014
Thanks to all who participated

You are the bank

After considerable research, investigation, testing, and evaluation, we feel that CYCLOS is the Alternative Currency System that will meet our needs for the Open-Source Online Banking Software for I-OPEEN, International One People Eternal Essence Network.

I-OPEEN: the first Online, Direct-Access Value Exchange System
that allows YOU to deposit YOUR VALUE because YOU ARE the BANK


Revision 2.5 Changes

Money as Debt III – Evolution Beyond Money
– by Paul Grignon

Posted from:
Occupy Dame Street YouTube Channel

Published on May 1, 2012

A film called Money as Debt III – Evolution Beyond Money, released in 2011, presents Grignon’s ideas on the possible forms money may take in the future. Find out who are the actually Money Masters on the Earth today.

Actually how about NOW!


Revision 2 Changes

Wealth Inequality in America

Posted from:

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I am awaiting a file on the cover letter. I am posting these files for your packet here:

Instructions for Packet

email for dropbox link

or grab the file at

To create two packets,

Print 2 copies of:

– Cover letter, this is a form please personalize

– letter to Mr. stumpf, you may wish to edit the content to be in first person voice.


Collate the packet, insert 1 packet in each envelope.


Instructions for mailing:

FEDEX Flat Envelope

Delivery Priority or asap

Mail to:

1. Wells Fargo Board of Directors
Wells Fargo & Company
420 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104

2. John Stumpf
Chairman, President, CEO
Wells Fargo & Company
420 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104



You may find support from others who have been in conversations with bankers, including bz by finding the Skype room in this article.

Fix The World Business Introductory Video.

In the ongoing discussion and development of the coursework we desire, awareness of what is our reality, and what we want in our reality continue to point out the survival mechanics we employ. As we have seen with natural disasters, and many life changing events, we have many layers of survival that we operate with. I offer this writing to continue the conversation, and bring awareness to our shifting economic paradigms.

Many are acutely aware of the needs of survival, and we use these stages of survival in response to our defense, be it physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental. Each stage of survival can be seen as a lesson plan tailored to each individuals path of growth. Some may decide to make survival a skill, some may decide to make it an occasion, and yet some may not yet have an awareness of how they use survival.

As I suggest here, survival can be seen as a skill, a tool to effectively manage the unknown experiences of life, and I would recommend that we see survival as steps upon a ladder of growth. In growth, we are thriving, we are alive, we are living our dreams. For myself, and many ones, we are defining our thrive, our bliss, and our joy so that we can grow into our potentials, and share this journey with every one on the path of growth.

Some experience the awareness, and employ the stages of survival in catastrophes, war, natural forces, financial burden, or illness. Some may feel the pressure of social, or cultural issues, some may choose to hone their skills of survival as a growth. Discussing the stages of survival allows our awareness to take an observers seat, and so now I will give a bit more definition,

I identify three stages of survival, perhaps there are more, perhaps you will add to this discussion, I see the three stages as acute, maintenance, and transition. I relate these stages to my own personal accounts of self and witnessed experiences. I will offer a journal question for your reflection, and I welcome answers or further questions as we build this course, Shifiting Economic Paradigms.

Survival Stage 1: Acute

In the acute stage of survival, ones basic needs are not met, and life hangs in the balances, as many are in need of immediate relief. Fortunately, there are good citizens, grants, and charitable organizations, that bring relief aid to those in need, yet this often does not reach all. In contrast, the U.S and other nations, attempt to meet the needs of the ones they govern, but require trees of information, and prolonged decisions. These inefficiencies are exasperating the situations of ones who are existing in the acute survival stage.  It is time to meet the needs of each one in our community, and the acute stage needs immediate attention.

A real life example of acute survival stage, I witnessed with a veteran named Rick, living on the streets of Missoula, getting a meal at the shelter, and holding a cardboard sign at the big box store. He’s given up on asking government assistance, he cannot maintain an address, and looks to the end of a bottle for lifes answers. I listen, and offer that he “might find his mission in life to be elsewhere, somewhere, not in a bottle”. Rick says, “oh, that’s not fair”, and I respond that “we must define what is fair for ourselves, and perhaps you need to find that fairness within.” Rick smiles, “you;re alright, I like that”.

Many are experiencing the Maintenance Survival Stage, and this appears to have become a social and cultural norm. Ones who experience this stage are faced with a wall of issues, challenges to ownership, and enslaving debt. These concerns have folks stressed, working overtime, and cutting corners everywhere. Competition compels many to stay on the treadmill, and is accepted as the way life is. Like a maze with a hidden exit, their running in the rat race of a concrete jungle. Some have celebrated the process, and call ownership of their title and deed paid for in sweat and blood.

An example of one experiencing the Maintenance Survival Stage. I met Sheree when I accepted a position, we worked with families in community service. Sheree had three kids, her husband separated, and would not support them. They were facing foreclosure of land and home, and bombarded with bills in the mail, and threatening phone calls from collection agencies. They kept a small heater in rooms,while the rest of the house was cold, they lost phone service, and soon they sold all possessions and moved away. We have seen too many hit this transition hard, dropping into the acute survival stage  Yet, there are some who find a way out, and they are on the way to the next stage.

The third stage is the transition stage of survival. In this transition, ones are waking up to the hard truth of these survival stages. Waking up to the roles played, and the experienced scenarios, and asking Why, How, Where, When, Who. Discovering each ones existence in the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental living. Connecting with the real concerns of the community, and working toward solution. They are volunteering, assisting, and helping in Service to Others. At this transition stage, we can assist those who are in the earlier stages of survival, by hand and by voice.

I speak from experiences of these stages, with a knowing in heart that it is possible to transform any of these stage of survival with a response of thrival. If you have seen the movie, Thrive, you might get an idea where this is going. If you haven’t, go somewhere you can watch youtube for an 1.5 hours, and watch Thrive for free. If you can, get a viewing party happening in your living room. If you have a projector, setup an outdoor summer cinema in your neighborhood, now is the time to share the way to thrive, and so the act of thriving, is thrival.

Each one has an individual path, a custom journey of experiences, and each one has a contribution to the whole. We are like a large jigsaw puzzle, looking for matching pieces, missing pieces, and we won’t stop til the picture is complete.

Journal prompt: Identify an example of either acute, maintenance, or transition survival in your life or someone you know? Do you know of thriving solutions to the experiences?

Shifting Economic Paradigms

presented by Sheglidesby

The Invitation:

Dear One,

I love your eternal heart and Thank You is the deep gratitude of who you are BE’ing and what you be DO’ing with your eternal heart.

I ask of you now to join me in a conversation and exploration of how life is experienced in living through the eternal heart, and welcome your commentary on this developing presentation: Shifting Economic Paradigms.

The intention of this coursework is to empower each ONE to know self worth, to access Eternal Value, and to find Service to Local restructuring. Identifying the Heart desires to knowing abilities of service will be explored, understanding the shift that is occurring in economy, local to world, micro to macro, every choice affects the whole. Choosing Wisely is a tool each ONE has and develops in every choice. Awareness of Choice, and Relating to ONE will also be explored.

I feel you are qualified, as you, as well as many, have arrived to this space after enduring many hardships, and I recognize this process as the soul urging for growth. I wish to offer my experience, wisdom, and skills to bring all into a balanced growth.  I apprecialove your assistance on this greatest shift.

[Insert meeting time and place here] Contact me with the form below.

Thank you dearest one, you are Eternal Essence Embodied.

